The Day

A slow morning, a peaceful one though. It seems to be a day not claiming to seek its existence. It’s blissfully just being.

Neha Yadav
1 min readSep 6, 2021

The day which doesn’t seem to have any pendulum to it but is simply there being stationary. And yes, gracefully being so.

Over the past couple of years, I have felt uneasy when there wasn’t any movement. Silence made me uncomfortable & inaction made me feel insecure.

But it has changed now, I am more open to embracing life & its ways. There will be days when I will fly high on monkey energy & yes there will be days when I shall sit on a couch all day long like a sloth & just soak in the vibe.

It takes time to understand what being a human actually means. We often measure ourselves against some accomplishments & achievements & most of them are quantifiable in nature.

You aren’t a number whose worth can be measured.

You are a human, who is supposed to go through life. The one who will experience intensity of emotions, the one who will cry loud & laugh even louder.

You are every bit of the creation in motion. Even on days when you are stationary.

