Life Moves On

Neha Yadav
2 min readJun 7, 2021


Oh! It’s been an absolute ride of a life that I have witnessed over the past 6 months. Left a man, I had known for 12 years, dated for 8 & married for 2.5 years.

What did it teach me — “Life moves on”.

And true that, you do stumble. You have days when your overthinking mind empowers your functioning, you have days when you laugh out loud in a manner that the happiness heals every nerve of yours, and yes, then you also witness days when you are lost & clueless about what next. But through this all, you still survive & you learn to live with yourself with more compassion & love.

You understand the dynamics of life, you resonate with change, you believe the Universe has your back & that God is ensuring you live the best of the life you deserve. In hindsight, when things fall apart, you question, you judge, you might not even able to make sense of yourself, the pendulum of thoughts sway in a abrupt chatter.

But yes, You Grow. You grow through this all, without you realizing, without noticing, without knowing. And its beautiful. The bitterness fades, the smiles grow wider, you embrace life even better than before. And most importantly, you become Brave.

I would lie, if I say I have left the past behind & I don’t ponder over it. Yes, I do revisit it often, but I don’t call it home anymore. I don’t describe pain as dark & gloomy & connote it with negative emotions. Infact, my attitude towards pain is a sampling from which courage & strength grows. Honestly strong people aren’t born, they become one, they choose to be one by the choices they make.

