It’s ok

Neha Yadav
2 min readApr 29, 2022


The world is a stage & you dance to its tunes, day after day.

In the last 33 years of my life, I have evolved from a person who would accept the faith of things in life as I have been taught. Study hard, get those degrees, wear that job or create a business as a medal of your academic endeavours/the societal definition of your intelligence, find love who would help you validate your own worth & definitely so be in this loop & impart this way of life to your future generations.

Is there anything wrong with the above, nothing at all.

It’s just the narrow view & perspective that acts like a life manual. But in reality it isn’t, because it doesn’t box out the problems, the challenges, the sleepless nights, the anxiety, the constant hustle & most importantly the questioning.

There is no manual out there that guarantees the best for you! Because you arent everybody, you arent a replica of anything that the world has ever witnessed.

You are unique but you aren’t special.

Noone out there is immune to the ways of life. You will never have it all figured, coz you need to evolve, you can’t be stagnant- & the Universe never gives up on you.

The good part is that the world needs each one of us, with our own elements. Coz thats how a good movie looks like, it’s garnished with unexpected turns.

It’s ok if you don’t have it figured out,

it’s ok if you are still questioning why you exist,

it’s ok if sorrow still consumes you even if you have a thousand reasons to be happy,

it’s ok even if you belong to everyone & still feel detached,

it’s ok if a million dollars in your bank account arent able to satify your thrust,

it’s ok if you want to hustle more,

it’s ok if that heartbreak feel like the end of life

it’s ok if that dream job has made the high stagnant

It’s ok if you want to give up & start all over again

Coz the world is a stage & you will dance to its tunes, day after day.

