Neha Yadav
1 min readMar 25, 2021

Hi Universe, I am sure you are listening to me as always. I have been trying to give up on myself to find myself. And I have been miserably lost trying to do so. And I ask myself why? Actually now I ask you why?

Every time the “Why” appears, I start to question the question itself, trying to figure out the answer. And then I move into a tangent, where it seems immaterial again.

The little I understand, the less I seem to know. The more I dissect the way of life, the less I conclude. The more I try to move forward, less the journey I am able to travel.

It’s a dismissive state, a state of confusion. A conflict between the ego & awareness. I am trying hard, and that is the reason I am failing. Because trying also seems to be an action to fight against something.

Should i lay naked in here, feel my fears, feel them slicing through me, poisoning me — until & unless they dissolve. I think I need to let my reality be awakened by killing the one I am living.

Perhaps, that’s how you let the light enter as Rumi says:-

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”